The third book in the Horizons Series is once again available at Amazon and a free read with your Kindle Unlimited Subscription.
Six months after meeting at the Taste of Chicago, Lil Lampert and Grier Dilorio have moved in together. Their love glows brighter than ever, but the couple soon realizes that it takes more than three magic words and outstanding sex to make a partnership work.
Grier’s problems should have ended when Jillian acknowledged him as Luca’s biological father and he began to pursue a career in interior design. Instead, he’s hampered by old fears and bad habits that are hard to let go.
Adjusting to a small apartment in a four-season state—with a much younger man and his eight-year-old son—is a challenge for Lil. His position as Luca’s “Daddio” is a delicate balancing act between doing what he thinks is right and deferring to Grier’s experience.
Life is stressed enough, but now Lil and Grier also face an unexpected complication from their son’s parochial school. Suddenly Luca’s safety—and their happiness as an emerging family—depends on Lil’s keen understanding of human nature and Grier’s willingness to learn.